Course hosting

Is your company interested in hosting The Grinding Doc’s three-day High Intensity Grinding Course at your facilities?


Blaser TourBenefits to host company

  • Two free attendees.
  • Individual contact with customers and potential customers.
  • Optional 45-minute company tour on Day 2, allows customers and potential customers to see the host’s facilities and products.



  • Conference room which can accommodate at least 20 people.
  • Projector and white screen; backup projector; white board with markers.
  • Central location near airport.
  • Assistance in providing refreshments – coffee, donuts, bagels, fruit, water – and general organization of ordering in lunch, preparing diplomas, etc.; assistance in procuring group rate from local hotel.
  • The course is non-promotional and the host company gets no air-time to promote their products.
  • Host company is asked to advertise and promote the course.

Are you interested? Download the course-hosting checklist to see if your company might be a good fit and then contact The Grinding Doc.

Hosting a grinding course is an excellent way to get individual time with customers and potential customers in a neutral, non-promotional setting. The optional tour on Day 2 allows attendees to see your manufacturing facilities and products up close.